Thursday, 20 December 2012

Illustration Inspiration

Daniel Ting Chong
Since coming to LCA, or even looking into the world of Graphic Design I have found t hard defining what I want to do most and what I like. I come from a background of Fin Art and I love to draw, naturally i was a image student. But learning typography I chose layout and Digital design, over sketchbook drawing. The most important thing I have learnt recently is that I like combining to two, even if it is harder work. 

I found Daniel Ting Chong on Behance and his illustration is defiantly created on illustrator. He is in demand in this home area and i love his style. I want to develop my illustration skills whilst maintaining a interest in type. David from placement made a great point in saying that type and layout is not a optional skill, so to say that is all I do is a bit narrow minded. I love this guys work though, a real inspiration.

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